Scriptacular restlessness

If you haven't been here for a while, you might be surprised by two things: one, that the site looks different again, and two, that I didn't bother preserving all the comments that my posts had accumulated over the past few years.

This is not because I don't love you, but rather because my insistence on using odd random scripts like Chyrp meant that I had to transfer my blog posts into this (WordPress-powered) system manually. That was sufficiently little fun in and of itself that moving comments did not seem worthwhile. My apologies.

Now that this site is running WordPress, though, I can do nice things like using Windows Live Writer to update, and take advantage of the vast ecosystem that surrounds the most popular blog engine. And ultimately the goal of that is to enable me to blog more often—something I've committed to for 2010.

Till then, please let me know if anything doesn't look right.

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